Their bright blue-green color makes them extremely enticing and can pull your pet out of a “hunger strike.”.Hornworms grow quickly and nearly double in size daily in warm temps.They are very high in water content and provide a great source of hydration.Hornworms have no chitin (or hard outer shell), so they are super easy for your pet to digest.The name “hornworm” comes from the small, pointed horn on the posterior end of the larva.

In addition to being a great source of hydration, they are high in calcium, low in fat, low in chitin, and have an extremely soft exoskeleton so your pet will not have trouble digesting them. Their bright green color stimulates picky eaters, and they are extremely low maintenance. Hornworms (Manduca sexta) are an excellent feeder for bearded dragons, leopard geckos, chameleons, and various other reptiles and pets. Fluker's Feeder Insect Care Tutorials (YouTube)